Sister, there are two things I want to say to you:

A photo I shot of Simone Leigh’s “Brick House” on the University of Pennsylvania’s campus

#1 Sit down. Stop trying to be everything for everybody. Your shoulders were not formed to wear the burdens of the world. I will remind you that you are made of light—of sun and of air—and struggle is not your only purpose. Put it down. Carry flowers. Close your eyes. Take off your shoes. The world will be waiting when you return.

#2 Breathe out, after you’ve breathed in. Honor the cycles. Nothing ever is forever and joy will always find you where sorrow leaves off. To live well is to dwell in the impermanence of it all. Laugh from your stomach. Cry from your most broken place. Set fire with your anger. Still the ocean with your peace. Nature is your teacher: time is everlasting, but the moment is fleeting. Live now.


“put it in a love song”: a musical love story


Lessons from Living #1